1. San Bernardo del Viento- Colombia, 2. Lady in Red, Hang Zhou, 3. Hanging Around, 4. Hanging to Dry /San Andres March 2005, 5. 46.365 - Just Barely Hanging Onto Love, 6. Vento na praia, 7. Nice, 8. Small World, 9. sail, 10. "Cuisenaire rods", 11. Untitled, 12. Vegan Marshmallows, 13. 216::365 Part of the system..., 14. Have you hugged your Red-Eyed Tree Frog today?, 15. Untitled, 16. Untitled, 17. So tired...365.282, 18. Shetland Triangle Shawl, blocking, 19. teddy necklace, 20. doing nothing, 21. cotton candy, 22. dragfl5, 23. tracks, 24. more water, 25. Floppy but firm