And you thought this blog was dead.
Shame on you.
Actually, shame on me. Has it really been 6 months? That's a long time. I imagine you've all given up on me by now. I seriously considered letting our poor old blog go for lack of something interesting to say, but in the end I just couldn't do it.
Instead, after much thought (and some surprisingly insistent nagging), I decided that a spot of re-invention might be in order.
Currently on a toy-making jag, and being in a spot of bother with the 3D thing (surprise, surprise), I found myself, once again, wishing for the presence and wisdom of my sewing mentor, Kapinny (currently living interstate, to my eternal annoyance), my primary source of techinical advice for all things textile.
I will pull no punches, here. Kapinny is a bloody genius, and that's a fact. I'm yet to see something with fabric that she can't do. She can make you a wedding dress, a wonderbra, a dog-carrier, or a renaissance dinner jacket that is historically accurate in every detail. My daughter once asked Kapinny to turn her into an Armani handbag for a school performance, and bugger me, it happened.
Over the years Kapinny and I have shared children, clothes, studios, incomes, food, friends, beds, and even the odd lover (though not actually at the same time). She is also a founding member of Poppalina and quite frankly, I'm ashamed that it didn't occur to me to ask her to share this blog earlier. This is her a few years ago, sporting an enviable cleavage:
So. Introductions finished. Good.
There may be the odd technical hitch.
Your patience is appreciated in advance...