Those who say Sydney is a beautiful city aren't necessarily wrong. They just haven't seen most of it.
Sure there's gorgeous harbour and plenty of serious beauty, I grant you.
But then there's the suburbs.
They stretch on for ever, and they're really ordinary. The western suburbs of Sydney, where I live, contain row upon row, street upon street of variations on this house, the California Bungalow.
Not that it is so awful or anything. It's just that there's so many of them, all built over the first half of the 20th Century, and although they take on the style of each decade, they're all basically the same house.
There are four rooms, with a central hall, and what comes after that basically depends on when the back part was added on.
This one at least gets points for the seahorse balustrade.
Houses of this type are punctuated every so often by one of these monstrosities.
They're apparently what everyone aspires to, God knows why.
You can tell it's what everyone aspires to, because sometimes you see one of the older houses renovated to look like one of the new ones.
But walking the dog one day, I came across this.
I'm not entirely sure how to describe it. I just know that it made me laugh, but I also kind of admired it too.
It's so Italian Riviera, with a touch of Versace.
I just had to share it with you.