I used to adore breakfast when we lived in St Kilda, an area of Melbourne known for its cafe culture and excellent coffee. Breakfast (made and delivered by someone else), strong coffee, the paper, in a beautiful cafe before the breakfast rush and while the staff are still at leisure to hold a conversation, is about as good as it gets, I reckon.
But after relocating to the culinary wasteland that is Melbourne's West, well, I guess I sort of lost my mojo. I suspect I've been sulking ever since. Rediscovering Victoria Market went some of the way to moderating the pain, and the house is generously stocked with delicious and healthy food, but no way was I going to use any of it for breakfast.
In fact, I pretty much stopped eating during the day altogether, so deep was my mourning, which was making me a Proper Mess by dinner time, when I would finally down something, and slowly turn back into a normal person.
Discovering Jen's Simply Breakfast, has changed all that. She doesn't write anything, she just posts a photo every morning of what she had for breakfast. The kind of photos that make you smile at the Zen-like simplicity of her table. The kind that makes you want to have what she's having. Every day.
Getting up and going to yoga classes before dawn (yes, I really am doing that) gives me considerable leisure to consider (while upside down and struggling to breathe) all the gorgeous breakfast possiblities I have to choose from after class. I'm already researching bakery options across the northern end of the city, en route home. All suggestions for delicious eating supplies between Northcote and Footscray welcome.
Breakfast is, once again, A Sacred Affair, complete with favourite china, carefully considered musical ambience, switched off phones, and whatever I fancy reading that morning. For a minimum of 45 minutes.
And I reckon that if I'm going to be up at 5am and intimately examining my kneecaps for 2 hours, then a Zen Breakfast afterward is the very least I deserve.
Besides, I need to look after myself, since it appears that I'm going to be a yoga teacher when I grow up.
I've just become Yoga Jivana's newest teacher-training recruit.
(feel free to cheer and rara).