Oy vey, what a week. Hot enough to consider the serious possibility of Armageddon; discovering what actually happens when the power grid fails (or is deliberately switched off); people dying from the heat; the inevitable haemorrhaging of Melbourne's neglected public transport system as trains fail, tracks buckle and trams collide; the state burning, as usual, because it's so BLOODY DRY; people losing it, completely, and tossing their kids off the Westgate Bridge....
Gotta make you wonder about the human race.
I kept quiet for most of it, so quiet that I didn't speak, lest I lose even more Vital Bodily Fluids. I sat perfectly still and took a bit fat trip down memory lane, scanning and archiving the family photos online, memories of the last 90 years. My eyes are completely square, but my name sits high on The Rellies' Christmas card lists, today.
Amongst the photos, cards, recipes, sticky notes and assorted other random pieces of memorabilia in the boxes was my year 10 report card from Shithole Secondary College. Now, I defy anyone to say that they wasted their time more definitively, more comprehensively, than I did by attending East Doncaster High School. It goes down, without peer, as one of the most stupid and pointless experiences of my life. And people wonder why I'm ambivalent about Formal Education...
I scored 'A's, mostly, not because I was a particularly good student, or even gave a shit, but because the bar was set so breathtakingly low. The school, caring only for it's image and reputation - but not a fig for it's culture of violence and racial intolerance - didn't hesitate to fudge what were, in fact, woeful academic standards. In truth, most of my teachers - I do not exaggerate - could not string together a coherent sentence, much less control and teach a class.
However, every so often, just as arbitrarily, I'd turn up an 'E' or an 'F'. I never did manage to fathom the logic behind the assessment process. My money's on raucous, late-night committee meetings, heavily lubricated and employing the oracular judgement of dice.
Anyway, here is one of my more memorable results. One last read.....
Before I liberate it, and it's pompous embecility,
on the Bonfire of Oblivion.